Christopher GeorgeLocation: New Market, VA, USAI am a dabbling singer/songwriter. I play guitar, piano, mandolin, and upright bass. Though I enjoy fairly limited influence from the very wide world of genres and talent, I am enjoying the process of reducing this limitation. I also enjoy working in the studio, recording and encouraging the artistic ventures of other artists. | ![]() |
rww says:
I watched the pillow fight last night also. What a total waste of time! It really is all the same. As Ron Paul said, there's not a dimes worth of difference in the two candidates. They both agreed that
Israel must be protected at all costs.
They both support the fascist bailout. They both support the welfare, warfare state. They both want more regulation. They argued who was going to send the most troops and money to Afghanistan. They both agree we need big government programs to address climate change and subsidize all forms of energy..wind, solar etc.
Aunt Judy says:
Don't you think that McCain lost any credibility when he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate? Is it too late for her to bow out? PLEASE!!!
I cringe every time I see/hear her. She is definitely NOT what the country needs, she does not represent me, and she is a derisive person causing crowds to become irate and almost violent. But that aside, she has no qualifications that lend themselves to being vice president. She looks and sounds more like someone running for a Student Government office in college. She is in way over her head. How scary is that for all of us? McCain could have done so much better and I believe he really wanted to. His advisors convinced him to pick Sarah Palin. What about Elizabeth Dole, or Joe Lieberman; there are many others that could do more for uniting the country and helping McCain. And it really puts us in a pickle, doesn't it?
rww says:
Too bad McCain didn't pick Chuck Norris as his running mate. I hear he's got a fist underneath his beard. Now there's a ticket you could get excited about!
Hey it almost worked for Huckabee.
christopher says:
What really spoke volumes to me about Palin, is that she embraced McCain whole-heartedly. Here's a lady who went from praising Ron Paul and comparing herself to him, to championing McCain's crazed notion of more war, more market manipulation, less freedom -- and she doesn't even know what she's talking about!
I think national unity is a nice idea, but only if it is unity rooted in the constitution, limited government, a humble foreign policy, and mutual respect -- the very things that made this nation great. If it is a unity of more lies, violence, and disrespect, I can never support it. To me, McCain, Palin, Obama, Biden, and just about everybody else in Washington falls in this later category. Every one of them has broken their oath of office to defend the constitution.
Wow, this VoterBomb idea is looking better all the time! Constitutionally, the president is one of the weakest memebers of the government; the congress is really where the power is at. Maybe if we make it clear that "we the people" aren't going to put up with their shenanigans any more, and get some folks with a backbone in office, we can get powers balanced out, and SHRINK this government back to a constitutional size.
btw, something I've come to understand recently: If I vote for the lesser of two evils, I'm still voting for evil. I think this explains our current situation.
fcox3rd says:
I agree voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil. In 2004 I voted for Some people say you just throw your vote away, but I say I voted my conscience!!!
christopher says:
The only way to throw your vote away, is to not vote; and not voting is much better than voting for evil.
babs says:
Amen Sister! ..(literally... hahaha)