They couldn't pull it off

Wow, I guess the establishment wasn't willing to pull off a fraud this big... so Obama wins.  And the Democrats win the house and senate as well.  So there will be no checks and balances any more.  We can expect the next four years to be some of the worst in Americas history.  I hope I'm wrong.  And yes, I would have said much the same of McCain, had won – except for one thing: perhaps a democratic congress and a republican president wouldn't be able to wreak their respective kinds of havoc as quickly.

Well, McCain is an evil doers with evil plans for America; he deserved to loose all along with the entire Republican party (save Ron Paul).  Just too bad the Democrats and the evil-doer Obama didn't loose too.

I sadly bid farewell to the last tiny bits of America that the Republicans haven't destroyed.  I think of these verses from Joel:

    2 Hear this, you elders;
       listen, all who live in the land.
       Has anything like this ever happened in your days
       or in the days of your forefathers?

    3 Tell it to your children,
       and let your children tell it to their children,
       and their children to the next generation.

    4 What the locust swarm has left
       the great locusts have eaten;
       what the great locusts have left
       the young locusts have eaten;
       what the young locusts have left
       other locusts [a] have eaten.

Joel 1:2-4, NIV

Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

Where's your hope and optimism?  A republican congress would have been helped to balance things out.  I don't share your cynicism although I know there are huge problems to be tackled and fixed.  I believe at least that Obama is respected and has a charisma that will spark the youth of the country and I believe he is better than McCain for reaching across parties.  He is refreshing as a uniter.  (I hope).  We will see.  And let's hope that he surrounds himself with people who know what they are doing!  I like his appeal to everyone, not just blacks, not just democrats, etc.   It could be a lot worse (we could have Sarah Palin for vice-presidnet!).

christopher's picture

christopher says:

I hope you are right that things won't be so bad, but I see no evidence pointing in that direction.  Perhaps someone will come up with some sound reasoning for why I should be hopeful about this country.  Sure I'm glad Sarah Palin  ain't gonna be president when McCain dies, but Obama isn't much different from McCain.  I think the idea of unity and energy and all that is great, but not when it is around policies that are VERY, VERY BAD.

Okay, maybe I'm wrong.  If so, I need somebody to step me thorugh the logic so I can see my error and feel HAPPY!

Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

What's so bad about Obama?

christopher's picture

christopher says:

Economic policy: He voted for the bailouts and has never spoken out about getting us off our fiat currency.

Foreign policy: He is only mildly antiwar.  He is not going to bring our soldiers home from the 130 countries around the world that they currently occupy.

Domestic policy: He is going to grow wellfare.  He wants to redistribute wealth, not just income -- both are bad ideas.

Ultimately, it's going to all come down ot the economy.  We don't have the money to spend on any of these programs.  What we think we have will be gone when the world looses faith in the dollar.

What's so good about Obama?


Aunt Judy's picture

Aunt Judy says:

At least he does not want to tax your health benefits! 

christopher's picture

christopher says:

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying there's nothing good about Obama.  I'm just saying that his policies are pretty rotten on a lot of the most important stuff... so were McCain's.

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