Judy Phelan |
Government discussions
Submitted by Aunt Judy on Fri, 2009-01-23 08:31
I agree with what Ron said in his last post. I agree we need to be diligent. I agree we need to be careful our freedoms are not eroded. And I especially agree that government is too big. But there are a lot of complicated situations going on, there is probably a very thin line even in our society between peace/calm and chaos. I do not know where this financial mess is going but the more I read about money and banking the more concerned I become. What I don't like is calling people ignorant who are showing respect and interest in something they believe in. What I don't like is constant comments about how evil the state is. But, it is a free society and you can say whatever your want. And after reading from some websites I see where that rhetoric is coming from. Some folks of the anti-state persuasion blame everything on the state. Everything. And they are extremists the same as any other group of extremists. But I don't see any comments on what to do about it. What is missed is that we have a government hierarchy that will let us change things. So we have to work the best we can within that context. It just seems that whenver a topic is presented for discussion or just for other people's perusal and thought it is an opportunity to rant and rave about evil, the devil, and the end of the world. But once it is said, that is enough. Okay, can we get on to other things, now? LOL
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babs says:
Amen Sister!!!!
rww says:
Could I add one more thing before we move on. OK thanks. The question has been repeatedly asked, "ok what are we going to do about it"? Jacob Hornberger does a much better job of answering than I can. So I quote him from this essay. Oh, some people thought Thomas Jefferson was an extremist and he didn't care for the state either. OK here is Hornberger:
It was the Soviet communists who kidnapped and tortured people; spied on and kept files on its citizenry; conducted secret trials before kangaroo tribunals; held suspects indefinitely; maintained secret prisons; and plundered and looted the citizenry through taxation, fees, and inflation to finance ever-increasing government expenditures. Who would have ever thought that U.S. officials would be justifying the same sorts of things after the fall of the Berlin Wall under the rubric of a perpetual “war on terrorism,” a war whose roots lay in the actions that U.S. officials took in the Middle East after the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Restoring freedom to America
Is there a way out of this mess? Yes, and it’s a rather simple one – dismantling the overseas U.S. empire and ending its foreign policy of interventionism.
That means closing the more than 700 U.S. military bases in foreign countries, bringing all those troops home, and discharging them into the private sector.
It also means ending the decades-old policy of regime change and interventionism, including assassinations, coups, invasions, occupations, and foreign aid.
It means the end of the drug war, which would immediately put drug lords out of business, which would bring to an end all the drug war violence and the many human-rights abuses committed in the name of the drug war.
Most important, it would mean the restoration of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of law to the nation. No more kidnappings and rendition, no more torture and sex abuse, no more secret judicial proceedings, no more spying on the citizenry, no more suspensions of due process of law and habeas corpus, no more kangaroo tribunals.
Can the American people accomplish such a feat? Why not? If the people of East Germany could bring down the Berlin Wall, why can’t the American people restore a limited-government republic and a free society to our land?
Full article here
Aunt Judy says:
I will read the article/essay. There is some meat in what you say. We need a different direction. And some of the things mentioned above I agree with. I think there was a time when in certain locations all over the world (well mostly Europe) there was a reason for troops to be there. But things have changed so much since the wall came down, there probably is no reason for us to be in some of those places. I am for smaller government; but I don't see how we could function without any government. It should definitely be a much more limited government. It looks like we have a long way to go!