Meriah Update (Wednesday, 9pm)

Somer is on her way back from visiting Meriah in the hospital.  Meriah is heavily sedated to keep her still.  Her body temperature has been lowered as part of the treatment process.  Somer said it's kind of scary to feel her so cold.

Baby Meriah

Pray for baby Meriah

Adam and Crissy's little girl, Meriah Gail, was born yesterday morning after a transfer to the hospital -- they had planned a home birth.  The baby was born, but suffered from severe Meconium Aspiration Syndrom.  Later that day, Meriah was transferred to the UVA medical center, where she is undergoi

Revelation notes

I have many weeks of notes and observations from our study of Revelation.  I am posting these as questions and answers.  Please add your thoughts if you are so inclined, but don't be overwhelmed by the volume of new posts. :)

The push for one world governent is alive and well

If this doesn't freak you out, I don't know what will.  The video's a bit slow, but watch the whole thing to get a feel for what we're dealing with.  The establishment is pushing for a one world government.


Jesus thereby unmasks the pretension to use violence for the good...

When then Jesus said to His disciples, “In the world, kings lord it over their subjects . . . Not so with you”; He was not beckoning His followers to a legalistic withdrawal from society out of concern for moral purity.

Obama anounces his new pre-crime "legal regime"

Thanks to Ron for the heads-up.

Several quotes I like

Seen on

"Battle doesn’t determine who is right. Only who is left." -- Peter Bowman, from 'Beach Red'

and Somer came across this one:

People don't understand authority

Most people don't understand authority; they confuse it with power. Of course it doesn't help that we have a government that claims authority. The government doesn't have authority; it has power. Authority requires authorship. God made us, not the government. God and parents are the only legitimate authorities.  Thankfully God has both ultimate power and authority.

Obama bows

I think it's funny that Obama bowed to the Saudi king.


I had a discussion with an individual I respect, who, upon learning my views on the state, (and I thought I presented them ever so clearly and gently this time), challenged me to "find [him] one state level person or group that [has] used 'aggression and coercion' and [is] not in jail because of it."  I listed the IRS, FEMA, DoE, DoT, DoD, Homeland security, etc.  To this he