Adam Williams |
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A song worth listening to
Submitted by adam on Thu, 2006-09-28 18:24
Paul sent me a link to this song. It's by Shannon Stephens. She is on the same label as John Ringhoffer. I really like it. Here are the words: I'll Be Glad I'll go anywhere that you do Lead me in a pillar of fire You will give my body rest When I see you beckoning me When you get your flock together Here is a link to the song: Here is a link to her webpage:
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rww says:
Mom and I like it....both music and words. Makes us want to head to the studio!
Sounds a little like Adrianne Young.
By the way "i" before "e" EXCEPT after c. (see top of this page)
christopher says:
Great song but it seems a little out of place on that label.
christopher says:
The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) cures spelling problem. New graphics can wait. :)
christopher says:
Months later we have a new graphic ...but received is still spelled wrong!!!