Donations for Ron Paul signs & buttons etc. at SAU meetup.

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tgeorge's picture
Joined: 2006-04-28
Donations for Ron Paul signs & buttons etc. at SAU meetup.

Hey guys, like Christopher said I know this isn't a political blogging site, but we are going to have some kind of Ron Paul meetup or something here and figure out ways to basically get the news of Ron Paul out to people here at Southern. As many of you are also supporters, many students here at Southern believe that Ron Paul's message as extremely timely and that we have a responsibility to help our fellow students to see why voting for any other candidate would be foolish. We are convinced that Ron Paul is the man for the job. In short, we would like donations to help us buy buttons and maybe a few signs so that we can get some publicity for Paul.

For those of you who would like to donate please go to and click on the donate button.

Thanks for your support.

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
Wow Tim, actually asking for

Wow Tim, actually asking for money!  Doesn't that violate a NLD principle? :)

Actually, I might suggest you visit the campaign website and sign up to be a precinct leader.  While this requires a great deal of commitment, I'm guessing that you could spread out the work among your friends -- maybe even cover several precincts.  Also, when you sign up as a precinct leader, the campaign will give you free materials.  Check it out.  I think this might be what you're looking for.

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