internet radio

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shanatoly's picture
Joined: 2006-05-06
internet radio

I realize that we have not been very active of late on this website, but this is partially due to lack of internet access, which we hope to remedy soon. I realize this it a time consuming suggestion, but I believe committing to something like an internet radio station would not only open up the door to more outreach, but would encourage content from users of nolessdays to increase.

Here's a website with some basic info on how to get started.

two possible content ideas - a spiritually themed "fresh air" type interview program with mission oriented guests and a "world music" hour.
If I can help from Colorado, I am willing.

About a year ago Anatoly and I were listening to a David Gates sermon given at a Romanian church in Georgia, and a few people desired to have a Romanian Adventist Television station for Romanian speakers. Within a small amount of time, a HUGE project was started with no idea where the money, support, or content would come from. And yet, they plowed ahead with the desire to do God's work, trusting in Him to provide. I know I am not alone when I say that David Gates, with his big dreams for God and the even bigger miracles FROM God have left a great impression on me. IF God wants His message proclaimed through this medium, I believe He can do great things to further the work and I believe that NoLessDays is as good a place as any to do something like this.

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
Content, content,

Content, content, content...  Great idea, and no doubt it could happen, but we just don't have much content at this point?

Don't let me discourage you.  I'm on board with the idea, but we do need more involvement.

I like your idea of doing interviews / testimonies.  Would you be in a position to host this kind of thing if we got you some equipment?  You wouldn't have to be responsible for editing, just for developing interviews.  I know Adam could probably provide some material in this area.  We got him hooked up with a field recorder that does a very nice job for interview type recording.

Also, there are a voluminous number of independent Christian artists out there that I'm sure would love to share their work, but we need someone to find and invite them ot join our ranks.

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