has purchased a field audio recorder for use in a Philippine outreach project. Look for stories and audio blogs about how the folks there are able to use this device to help bring the gospel to their people. (read more)
Nathan (1talltxn) posted a request for a way to deliver recorded ministry material to the Pelewan people of their project in Kementian, Palawan, Philippines. Two challenges face them right now:
- They need a way to make quality recordings, and
- They need audio players for the people to listen to it on.
In our discussion on line, we decided that aquiring a quality recording device was both the first and easiest step in solving the Kementian project's need. So, the NoLessDays "board" met, deciding to offer the project a Zoom H4 -- the same field recorder that we purchased for Adam and Crissy to use in their work in El Salvidor.
Later, I spoke with the project leaders, Kent and Leonda (londijoy) George, (also my parents) making them the offer. The word? They're excited, and a bonus idea came out of the discussion: they plan to start posting audio blogs of their work.
NoLessDays has purchased the new equipment, and they will be receiving it in the next several weeks. We even purchased a nice waterproof case for the equipment to go in. I had a great deal of fun cutting out the foam padding to accomodate each piece.

Folks, exciting times are ahead as our various members begin posting audio reports of their work back here at Stay tuned, and if you have any ideas about how we can provide audio players for the Pelewan people, please join the discussion.
adam says:
Looks great! I had a lot of fun cutting the foam for my case also. I am really excited about getting audio from people all over the world! We definitly need to get a few more of these out there.