I just want to recommend the book "The Heavenly Man" to anyone who has not yet read it.
It is the most amazing, inspirational book I have ever read. (without exaggeration). Reed and I couldn't put it down. It will get every lukewarm spiritual cell in your body squiriming. It's about a Chinese man, his amazing conversion, and walk with God. He was 16 when he accepted Christ and over 2,000 people were brought to the Lord after the first year of his conversion. The house church Christians in China are on fire for the LORD!!!!!
It wasn't till after I read this book that I realized that there are an estimated 100 million believers in China! And many of them are preparing to be missionaries in other countries. They have the vision of carrying the gospel over the 3 ancient silk roads, from China towards Jerusalem. This is where the majority of the 10/40 window is. They are on fire and willing to give everything for Christ-including their lives. They are not afraid of persecution and torture. They are the perfect missionaries to work with muslims, buddhists, hindus, etc...
To find out more information on this China Missionary Movement (Back to Jerusalem) go to www.backtojerusalem.org They also have the book "The Heavenly Man" for sale on the website.