Frustrated that China harasses political dissidents?

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christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
Frustrated that China harasses political dissidents?

So does the USA.  Somebody please debunk this.

rww's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
No warrant? No problem


This is clearly unconstitutional.   Please check out this update.  I was going to comment on this but Mr Greenwald's reporting sums it up very well. A must read. The lack of reporting on this in the main stream media speaks volumes. This is one reason Ron Paul supporters were are so

adamant about his

presidential campaign.  The same tactic was used on Dr Paul himself. It seems we are a passave flock of sheep, content to be fleeced. Why do so few people in government take seriously the oath to uphold the constitution?

"The government is not our friend. The gravest dangers to our freedoms lie hidden in a government that has seized them from us.  Only vigilance and adherence to natural law can save us from the power-hungry bureaucrats who run the government today."   Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

christopher's picture
Joined: 2006-04-10
This is really disturbing. 

This is really disturbing.  What can we do about it?

rww's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
There is probably little we

There is probably little we can do but warn our friends family and anyone who will listen of liberty lost. Also reject the idea that less freedom equals more safety.  IMHO it will get a lot worse. Jefferson understood this when he lameneted that"the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground".

We are not alone and there are many out there trying to wake people up.

Any other opinions out there?

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