
"Walking the Bible"

I just purchased two books by Bruce Feiler.  They are Walking the Bible, a Journey by Land through the Five Books of Moses  and Abraham, A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths.  Has anyone else read them?  I went berserk at the bookstore today!  LOL Also got one titled The Noticer by Andy Andrews.  Also got one by Anwar Sadat's wife.  That

Matthew 6:22-23

Any ideas about the meaning of this parable?
The context is talking about laying up treasures in heaven and not being able to serve God and wealth. 

"If I Live to be 100"

I just finished reading a pretty amazing book (and found out my sister had read it and loved it too!).  It is titled If I Live to Be 100 and is by Neenah Ellis, formerly a staff producer for NPR's All Things Considered.  It was amazing and also a little terrifying to read these short interviews with people 100 or older.  One of the excerpts from the back of the

An inspirational story

This was passed on to me by a friend and I thought I'd share with you all too.

People don't understand authority

Most people don't understand authority; they confuse it with power. Of course it doesn't help that we have a government that claims authority. The government doesn't have authority; it has power. Authority requires authorship. God made us, not the government. God and parents are the only legitimate authorities.  Thankfully God has both ultimate power and authority.

Kamantian Gazette

I am supposed to be writing an article for AFM but unfortunately I am not very inspired to write an article; so I thought I would just write you a letter letting you know what is going on here and maybe in the process it will help to prime the pump and I will get inspired in some way.

We are under heavy attack

Dear christopher,

Right now it seems that we are under heavy attack by the devil. At Kensuli, Binu, the self proclaimed penglima (elder) is doing all in his  power to destroy the school. 

Obama bows

I think it's funny that Obama bowed to the Saudi king.

Ron Paul Does NOT Want to go Back to the Gold Standard

Now I am really confused.  Read this article.  Is this the way you guys perceived Paul's stand?

A response to well-wishes for my recovery from typhoid fever

Dear Christopher,

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