
Christians and the Copyright Law, by Jack Decker

BACKGROUND: This is an article that I wrote many years ago. I didn't date it so I can only say with certainty that it was written sometime between 1985 and 1988, probably somewhere in the middle of that period. I am presenting the article exactly as it was written then, except for adding the HTML markup for Web page presentation. After that, I have added some additional comments that reflect my thinking on the subject in 1995. I believe that Christians and non-Christians alike should consider some of the concerns that I have raised in this article.

More Free the Gospel!

Here is an interesting article (written in 1995!) that might explain a little more of what you are trying to say in your blog.  I still have some reservations about some of it but this might add some meat to your argument. 

If you're looking to buy gold

If you're looking to buy gold, prices are back down to $900/ounce.  Maybe they'll go down some more, but the long run picture has the dollar price shooting up as the dollar looses purchasing power -- a result of recent massive inflation.

Peter declares Paul's writings "hard to be understood"

I'd missed it before; Peter warns us against being deluded by "unlearned and unstable" individuals who misuse the "hard to be understood" writings of Paul.  Check it out: II Peter 3:15-16.

Want to understand what is happening to our economy?

Want to understand what is happening to our economy?  I've never heard it clearer than this!  Enjoy Peter Schiff.

Buy gold!

Buy gold folks!  This is where we are headed.

Free the Gospel!

I am disappointed to discover that e-sword does not provide any of the copyrighted bible translations.  It seems that some years ago, they were able to do so, but not now.  (If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know!)

I offer a word of rebuke to Christians who hold on to the bogus notion of intellectual property rights:

Philippine Mission Trip

NOTE:  This is a post from a Sabbath school class at New Market Church.  Obviously a recruiting letter.  This seemed like "a creative way to share the gospel" so thought I'd post here.  :)

Its alive! Its alive!

Nice to see a little life stirring again here at NLDs. Auntie J, I think the statement you mentioned " a government that began in 1776 as a protector of individual rights” really hits the nail on the head. That is, the government moved from being a protector of individual rights to being the means to futher the economic well being of select groups of people.

Palm Sunday and Politics

Ron and Somer recommended this article to me.  I found it valuable.  Please enjoy Palm Sunday and Politics from

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