
Dorothy Day

In his book Introduction to Christianity, Pope Benedict explains that being a Christian means, essentially, undergoing a transformation: from being "for" oneself to being "for&quo

Frederic Bastiat's The Law

Reading the paper this morning I came across a letter to the editor in which the writer mentioned The Law by Frederic Bastiat.  He was a French legislator in the mid 19th century.  Apparently it is a phamplet of 75 pages.  Has anyone out there read it?  I have seen a little online and would like to read it, I think.  Oh, the writer of the letter in the paper felt that a

Some new music

Added 31 Jan 09:

See if you can hear the song by going here:

Job News

  Yesterday we were informed that we will have 5 unpaid days off, one per month for the next 5 months.   While I was a little surprised, I wasn't shocked.  If we had to lose 5 paid days, I'm thankful it's stretched out, one per month, instead of one week.  One full week would pose hardships for a lot of folks.  

George McGovern on Afganistan

I know there are some out there who do not remember  George McGovern but he's got it right on Afganistan just like he did on Vietnam. Read his take on it here.

Another book to Read

I was talking via email to Erin about a book I am reading, A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold.  She told me about a book she wants to re-read titled Economics in One Lesson.  She googled the author (Henry Hazlitt) and got a hit on the Lew Rockwell site.  I think this might be the next book I either get from the library or buy.  I am glad our son, Jon, is taking a course (M

Government discussions

I agree with what Ron said in his last post.  I agree we need to be diligent.  I agree we need to be careful our freedoms are not eroded.  And I especially agree that government is too big.  But there are a lot of complicated situations going on, there is probably a very thin line even in our society between peace/calm and chaos.  I do not know where this financial mess

New magazine YES!

I discovered a new magazine (to me anyway) called YES!.  Basic concept is Building a just, sustainable and compassionate world.  I came across another banking/financial article that takes a while to get through and I am still digesting it.  I hated economics in college!  But there is a lot to interest me now!  Anyway, some of you might like to read this article.  <

inaugural celebration

I was sitting in the breakroom today with my coworkers and someone turned on the tv thinking all present wanted to watch the inaugural celebration.It struck me that there was something extremely hollow about this unseemly extravagance. After a few

Banks Used to Lend Money to People..Not the other Way Around

The article at this link is a pretty good one by Thomas Friedman that appeared in the NY Times on Jan 17.

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