Missed the Rain

Well, yesterday it rained.  I was in class, so I waited instead of going out to play in it.  Then, when I got out it had slowed to a drizzle.  I went back to the dorm to change, but by the time I came back out in my bare feet, it had stopped raining and the sun came out.  It was really depressing that I completely missed the rain.  I couldn't even enjoy the puddles.  I have decided to never postpone playing in the rain, again.

tgeorge's picture

tgeorge says:

That's really sad that you missed the rain.Frown It's what happens when you postpone doing something fun for something that everyone thinks you should be doing. Speaking of school, my brother once told me not to long ago, "Timothy, school is not about classes, it's about having fun."

Enjoy the puddles!Tongue out

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