I felt responsible to warn people about what they may perceive as their only two choices this election. So I painted a sign, and this morning Isaiah and I delivered it.

One guy walks up just after we get it up and rants, "Oh bleep! I can't beleive they allow this kind of bleep. They shouldn't let people put bleep like this up. I don't care who the candidates are, you shouldn't be allowed to put up bleep like this!" I turned around to hid my laughter. The dude must've been a strong supporter of free speech.
After voting (I wrote in Ron Paul for president, myself for senate, and Ron, my father-in-law, for representative -- I figured he deserved to serve alongside Ron Paul more than I) Isaiah and I came back out and chatted briefly with an older fellow who was a veteran. I asked him who he'd voted for. He says, "Actually, I voted for Sonny here. I wrote him in," and he points to the fellow next to him. I don't know if that was true, but he continued, "It's gonna be bad either way it goes. I haven't looked at it like this for long, but if McCain wins, we have racist, and if Obama wins, Lord help us!"
Honestly, I was shocked. I would've placed this guy squarly in the Republican demographic. It's encouraging to realize that there are peole who see through this mess and aren't willing to put up with it.
babs says:
WOW! Isaiah's first trip to the polls!
christopher says:
Well, actually it's his second. He and I stood out in the cold campaigning during the primaries. Unfortunately, I don't think I have any pictures from that event. This time, when I asked him who he thought I should vote for, he said, "Ron Paul!" And this time we didn't stick around for the flak -- had to get home to work. Somer said the sign was still up when she went to vote later this afternoon.
Aunt Judy says:
I love the picture! It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall and listen to comments during the rest of the day!
christopher says:
I know. I really wish I could've stuck around, but it's probably just as well that I didn't. :)