What this question is NOT:
-It is NOT a question about the Biblical support for keeping Saturday as the Sabbath.
-It is NOT a question about "how to" keep the Sabbath.
What this question IS:
-It is a present day question, raised by a Christian who keeps Sunday as a Sabbath.
-It speaks to the pragmatics of Christian community and cooperation. The concern is that by SDAs making such a "big deal" about the Saturday Sabbath, it builds walls to separate Christians.
-It also implicates that, by making such a "big deal" of the Saturday Sabbath, SDAs portray themselves as "holier than thou."
-And if keeping the Saturday Sabbath isn't a salvation issue (and SDAs do not believe that only SDAs will be saved), then why use it to separate? Shouldn't we, as a Christian community, be seeking to "be one" as Christ prayed for us?
-Or is it because SDAs think it will ultimately be a salvation issue? Do SDAs presume to really have figured out prophecy THAT well? Why would the world do another Sunday law? That was done back with Constantine and the Crusades and turned out to be one of the worst decisions in history! Shouldn't the SDAs have a bit more caution with prophecy, especially given their 1844 experiences?