
30 murders in 5 days.

It is feels awkward to me to live in a place so close to where so many people die in such a short period of time. I look across the valley and see the Mexican flag and know that people are getting killed in a war so close to where I am. The drug cartels are mad because the united states arrested a whole bunch of the people in their organization here in the states.

This is strange to me.

 I didn't know we didn't have the right not to be framed by the prosecutors.


So today was the start of my Combat Life Saver training. (Yes Christopher, I think it's oxymoronic to o.) Its mostly stuff that would be covered in a Red Cross CPR class with some additions. One of those additions is how to put in a nasopharengeal tube.

4 months in El Paso

Well it's been 4 long months since I arrived at my fist duty station, Ft Bliss, in El Paso TX. I have kept myself busy getting into as many military training courses as they will let me. I have taken HazMat Handeling, Unit Armorer, DoD GPS, Advanced Drivers Training, and done 2 cycles at the shooting ranges, each about a week long.

Update on Jilin

We're making progress!!  This past Thursday and Friday Jilin and I spent four to five hours each day sitting and waiting and processing through the medical examination mandatory to sitting for a visa interview.  She received five immunizations in one day!!  She's shot up: two in each arm and one in a thigh.  I'm concerned because they wouldn't let me ask very many questions,

Faith in the Early Church

Reading Acts 12:1-19 I was struck by the fact that God brought about a miraculous answer to prayer while the church was earnestly praying; but, their faith couldn't have been all that strong, because they didn't believe it was possible that the man at the door could be Peter.  This story should be an encouragement to us.  Apparently taking the time to gather and pray is enough to unle

Meriah Multimedia

Here are some recent videos and pictures of Meriah.  She is growing fast!  Enjoy.

Checkup Appointment and New Pictures. . .

Meriah had a checkup with Neurology at UVA this past Monday.  The EEG that she had showed that she did not have any seizures, but there was still some "irritability" observed.  They deci

Gail update 10/3

Gail's surgery went well on Thursday. She is recovering quickly and I found out today that she is coming home tonight! Thank you all for the prayers!

Gail update 9/30 --Good News!

God is good! Gail had tests done today and the doctors have said that it is not as bad as they had originally thought. The cancer is in her chest wall, but not as deep as they had feared.  They said it has been lying dormant from when she had cancer before, but it has not spread. She will have surgery tomorrow at 10:30am, and it should be fairly straighforward.

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