Adventists oppose the use of violence for national defence
Submitted by christopher on Sat, 2009-08-29 07:05The Seventh-day Adventist church publishes a quarterly lesson guide for studying the bible. This is often used by churches as the core of their adult Sabbath school class. Generally, I've been more annoyed and disappointed than blessed by it, preferring instead to directly study the bible. Today I was glancing over a lesson, and hit on a statement I think is well worth sharing
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Meriah update (August 28, 2009)
Submitted by christopher on Fri, 2009-08-28 11:11Adam called me on his way to work this morning. They will do another EEG today to look for seizure activity. If seizure activity has subsided, they hope that Meriah can get of the phenobarbital earlier. Adam is asking for specific prayer in regards to the seizure activity. If there is any, we are asking God to heal it.
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Continuing to share
Submitted by somertyme on Fri, 2009-08-28 08:20It has been so amazing to see the outpouring of love and support for Baby Meriah. I have no doubt that God has responded to the prayers of many people. While Christopher continues to post updates on Meriah, I was thinking that there may also be other prayer requests or praises that we could share. This experience has brought us all together and we have certainly seen God at work.
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Meriah update (August 27, 2pm)
Submitted by christopher on Thu, 2009-08-27 14:23We haven't been receiving much news today. Ron and Marti, Adam's folks, were visiting last night and said that Meriah was very smiley. Today we have only heard that Meriah is really sleepy, and that Crissy isn't feeling well. Keep Crissy in your prayers.
- christopher's blog
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Meriah video (August 25, 9pm)
Submitted by christopher on Wed, 2009-08-26 14:25Meriah wakes up, gets a diaper change, cries, waves her arms and legs, smiles, looks about, etc. You'll hear Mozart in the background playing on an old cell phone Adam was given. These Mozart songs are supposed to be good for the Meriah's brain.
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Thoughts on the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Submitted by endlessly4christ on Wed, 2009-08-26 13:36The last two years I have been studying the book of Revelation. One of our teachers pointed out that the way we typically study the book is by taking the pieces and looking for their meanings and application often without looking at the immediate context and the way the original audience would have understood it. Interesting I thought. So here are some ideas that I have stumbl
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Meriah update (August 26, 12pm)
Submitted by christopher on Wed, 2009-08-26 11:30Adam called with an update. Meriah has been moved to the other side of the NICU where the less critical babies are. This is a good sign, though Adam and Crissy (and perhaps Meriah) had become a bit attached to their nurses.
They are going to let Meriah start ad-lib feeding, that is, feeding on demand.
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Meriah update (August 25, 7:30pm)
Submitted by christopher on Tue, 2009-08-25 18:45We have arrived at UVA and are visiting with Adam and Crissy.
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Meriah update (August 25, 2pm)
Submitted by christopher on Tue, 2009-08-25 13:10Brief update from Adam:
Still no results on the MRI. Meriah's oxygen tube has been removed, which means there are no more tubes on hear face. (We'll try to get some new photos this evening.) Meriah is now nursing every three hours.
- christopher's blog
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Happy birthday Meriah!
Submitted by christopher on Tue, 2009-08-25 10:01Happy birthday Meriah! She is one week old! Comment to share your well-wishes! I will carry them with us to the hospital this evening.
- christopher's blog
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