
New Pictures

Here are a few new photos of our little one.

You can see the whole album here:


Mysterious Ways

A couple of weeks ago, when we were at UVA and still uncertain about what was going to happen to our little girl, Christopher mentioned to me that he had read a recent blog that I had posted. It was all about how God had been leading us and providing what we need just when we needed it.

Meriah Photo Album

These pictures trace our journey from the begining until today.  Seeing the original pictures from the hospital compared to how she is doing now is simply amazing.  It is amazing how quickly God has worked.

Founding Faith

I am reading a book, Founding Faith (How Our Founding Fathers Forged a Radical New Approach to Religious Liberty) by Steven Waldman.

Meriah update (September 1, 2pm)

Meriah was discharged from the UVA Medical Center around noon today.  Meriah is doing great!

The neurologist said that the last EEG was better than the first one, though it is not completely normal.  (The neurologist hadn't said this before.)  Meriah has a follow-up appointment with the neurologist in 2 months.

My dream about Meriah

The night Crissy was in labor I couldn't sleep. I was restless and woke every hour praying fervently. I had a sense of anxiety and concern that I couldn't explain. I dreamed several dreams about both Crissy and Meriah, but when I woke up I could only remember one of them.

Meriah video (August 29)

Another diaper change, and lots of funny faces.  Enjoy!

Meriah update (Agust 30, 11:30am)

Meriah and her parents have moved into their private room.  This means they also have a private bathroom, a fridge, a microwave, TV, etc.  It is very nice and comfortable according to Marti.

Meriah update (August 29, 8pm)

This afternoon Somer and I traveled to Charlottesville to see baby Meriah.  I have new pictures and video to post.  I will try to post these tomorrow.

Here's the latest:

Joy Comes in the Morning

 I just want to say thank you to everyone who is praying for our precious little girl.  We have been humbled and overwhelmed by the number of people who have been impacted and touched by our experience.  Hearing of all the tears shed in our behalf and all the prayers prayed for Meriah makes me feel so  blessed.   We have certianly witnessed a miracle first hand.

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