Meriah update (Sabbath, 10:30am)

Adam and Crissy have spoken with the head doctor.  His recommendation is to go ahead and take Meriah of the ventilator.  He says that her lungs are completely clear now.  He expects that she will be able to breathe on her own now; she is initiating every breath on her own.  He says that more time on the ventilator will not improve her prospects.

Meriah update (Sabbath, 10am)

I just arrived at the hospital.  Adam and Crissy spoke with the neurologist earlier.  He says that he is seeing some glimmer of hope.  He saw some response when shining the light in Meriah's eyes, and said her shoulder is stronger.  This is just a small positive sign, but it is enough that he has recommended keeping her on the ventilator to avoid adding additional stress to

Meriah update (Friday, 10pm)

I arrived safely in Charlottesville, and was able to spend a few minutes with beautiful baby Meriah.  I had caught a brief look at her before she was rushed away from the hospital in Harrisonburg, but it wasn't enough to realize what cute little gal she is.

Meriah update (Friday, 3pm)

Update from Somer:

Meriah's breathing is significantly better, but she is not response except for reflexive movement.  Doctors would expect her to be moving at the temperature she's at now.  If you put your finger in her hand, it will squeeze, or if you touch her foot it will twitch, but aside from these reflexes, nothing.  Somer says she doesn't open her eyes at all.

Meriah update (Friday, 12pm)

Just called Somer for the latest:

They've talked to the doctors who are still not very optimistic.  Meriah is not warming as quickly as they hoped she would.  Earlier today she wasn't breathing on her own, but since then she's been breathing about a third of the time.

Meriah's warming has begun

Meriah's warming has been moved earlier; it began at 5am.

Meriah Update (Thursday, 4:30pm)

Somer just got off the phone with Adam, who just talked with the doctor.  The doctor is not positive.  He says that Meriah is not heavily sedated, but is not responsive, and has not been trying to breathe on her own today.  He says that babies with lowered body temperatures can still respond to stimuli, and they are not seeing this.  Because of the extended time with low oxy

Meriah Update (Wednesday, 9pm)

Somer is on her way back from visiting Meriah in the hospital.  Meriah is heavily sedated to keep her still.  Her body temperature has been lowered as part of the treatment process.  Somer said it's kind of scary to feel her so cold.

Baby Meriah

Pray for baby Meriah

Adam and Crissy's little girl, Meriah Gail, was born yesterday morning after a transfer to the hospital -- they had planned a home birth.  The baby was born, but suffered from severe Meconium Aspiration Syndrom.  Later that day, Meriah was transferred to the UVA medical center, where she is undergoi

Revelation notes

I have many weeks of notes and observations from our study of Revelation.  I am posting these as questions and answers.  Please add your thoughts if you are so inclined, but don't be overwhelmed by the volume of new posts. :)

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