Field recorder for Kementian, Palawan project has purchased a field audio recorder for use in a Philippine outreach project.  Look for stories and audio blogs about how the folks there are able to use this device to help bring the gospel to their people.  (read more)

A New Direction

We are now in El Salvador, Click on the picture above to hear more.

Memory verse card generater is fixed

It appears that the memory verse card generator has been broken for sometime.  Apologies to all who have attempted to use it without success!  Please give it a try now. I believe it is functional again.

NLD Bass and Fiddle Photos

Y'all! Check out some nice shots of the new NLD bass and fiddle -- and their players, Rachel and Christina.

Recent Additions

Rick and Shannon recently recorded a couple of hymns together at Paulington Studio. Be sure and check them out here . We are looking forward to hearing more from them in the future.

First Paulington Studio Project Completed

New Audio Functionality

Check out the new audio browsing system and let us know what you think of it.  We want our our music and other audio content to be easy and enjobale to browse and listen to.

Also available are the new audio rss feeds:

Music only ->

All Audio -> 


Strasburg hymn sing/concert

On Sabbath, May 20, No Less Days hosted a hymn sing/concert at the Strasburg, VA Seventh-day Adeventist church as part of the City of Strasburg's annual Mayfest. All went well and we had a lot of fun, though only a few people showed up off the streets. Those that attended can add more details.

Studio Repaired Again

A damaged power supply in Paulington Studio's audio workstation rendered the studio useless until a replacement power supply was installed. 

Not long after Paulington Studio's recent equipment upgrade, lighting damaged the power supply for the workstation.  This was discovered Sabbath, May 13,  when Adam took a friend out to the studio for some "recreational" recording.  When he discovered that the computer didn't work, he called me to come take a look at it.  We ended up pulling the power supply apart to discover several fried components.  The components had become so hot that a hole was burned completely through the circuit board.

Recent Poll Results

A recent poll requested feedback on what areas of improvement would benefit from most. A number of you voted and provided useful feedback... then there were the strawberries. You'd have to read the comments on the poll to to see how it had anything to do with strawberries. I would be interested to know if anyone did actually go picking. Anyhow, for the analysis...

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