Meriah video (August 29)

Another diaper change, and lots of funny faces.  Enjoy!

Steps to Christ


Steps to Christ, recorded by my grandfather, John Dutro George.  The orginal recording, edit, and mix was done using real-to-real.  Family politics have prevented me from getting a better version of the recording.  Even so, I have found this rendition of Ellen White's classic work, a pleasure to listen to.

Meriah update (Agust 30, 11:30am)

Meriah and her parents have moved into their private room.  This means they also have a private bathroom, a fridge, a microwave, TV, etc.  It is very nice and comfortable according to Marti.

Meriah update (August 29, 8pm)

This afternoon Somer and I traveled to Charlottesville to see baby Meriah.  I have new pictures and video to post.  I will try to post these tomorrow.

Here's the latest:

Joy Comes in the Morning

 I just want to say thank you to everyone who is praying for our precious little girl.  We have been humbled and overwhelmed by the number of people who have been impacted and touched by our experience.  Hearing of all the tears shed in our behalf and all the prayers prayed for Meriah makes me feel so  blessed.   We have certianly witnessed a miracle first hand.

Meriah update (August 28, 2009)

Adam called me on his way to work this morning.  They will do another EEG today to look for seizure activity.  If seizure activity has subsided, they hope that Meriah can get of the phenobarbital earlier.  Adam is asking for specific prayer in regards to the seizure activity. If there is any, we are asking God to heal it.

Continuing to share

It has been so amazing to see the outpouring of love and support for Baby Meriah. I have no doubt that God has responded to the prayers of many people. While Christopher continues to post updates on Meriah, I was thinking that there may also be other prayer requests or praises that we could share. This experience has brought us all together and we have certainly seen God at work.

Meriah update (August 27, 2pm)

We haven't been receiving much news today.  Ron and Marti, Adam's folks, were visiting last night and said that Meriah was very smiley.  Today we have only heard that Meriah is really sleepy, and that Crissy isn't feeling well.  Keep Crissy in your prayers.

Meriah video (August 25, 9pm)

Meriah wakes up, gets a diaper change, cries, waves her arms and legs, smiles, looks about, etc. You'll hear Mozart in the background playing on an old cell phone Adam was given.  These Mozart songs are supposed to be good for the Meriah's brain.

Thoughts on the Revelation of Jesus Christ

The last two years I have been studying the book of Revelation.  One of our teachers pointed out that the way we typically study the book is by taking the pieces and looking for their meanings and application often without looking at the immediate context and the way the original audience would have understood it.  Interesting I thought.  So here are some ideas that I have stumbl

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