Face Your Fears: Water Story

By Leonda George, July 3, 2009 Face Your Fears

Where is God?

3:43 minutes (3.4 MB)

Where is God today?  
Doesn't he see all the starving Children?
Where is God today?
Doesn't he hear the cries of those in pain?
Where is God today?
Doesn't he care that the world is dying?

Where is God? The question should be 'Where are His people?'
Where is God? The question should be 'Where are His people?

Kamantian Gazette

I am supposed to be writing an article for AFM but unfortunately I am not very inspired to write an article; so I thought I would just write you a letter letting you know what is going on here and maybe in the process it will help to prime the pump and I will get inspired in some way.

We are under heavy attack

Dear christopher,

Right now it seems that we are under heavy attack by the devil. At Kensuli, Binu, the self proclaimed penglima (elder) is doing all in his  power to destroy the school. 

Overdue El Salvador Update

This post is a bit belated.  Lots of things have been happening in our lives over the last few months.  We realize that there are some people that we don’t get to talk to frequently who may not have heard.  So it’s about time for an update on NLD.

Christians and the Copyright Law, by Jack Decker

BACKGROUND: This is an article that I wrote many years ago. I didn't date it so I can only say with certainty that it was written sometime between 1985 and 1988, probably somewhere in the middle of that period. I am presenting the article exactly as it was written then, except for adding the HTML markup for Web page presentation. After that, I have added some additional comments that reflect my thinking on the subject in 1995. I believe that Christians and non-Christians alike should consider some of the concerns that I have raised in this article.


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Another Perspective from El Salvador

Crissy's brother, Nathan, is now here with us in El Salvador. 
Take a moment to read his
blog.  It think you will be blessed.


Finally... an audio blog from Kemantian

The field recorder NoLessDays sent to Kemantian, Palawan, Philippines has been put to good use, but finally we have received several of its recordings.  Take a listen to this audio blog.  There will be more to follow soon.

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