Some new music

Added 31 Jan 09:

See if you can hear the song by going here:

Another book to Read

I was talking via email to Erin about a book I am reading, A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold.  She told me about a book she wants to re-read titled Economics in One Lesson.  She googled the author (Henry Hazlitt) and got a hit on the Lew Rockwell site.  I think this might be the next book I either get from the library or buy.  I am glad our son, Jon, is taking a course (M

Government discussions

I agree with what Ron said in his last post.  I agree we need to be diligent.  I agree we need to be careful our freedoms are not eroded.  And I especially agree that government is too big.  But there are a lot of complicated situations going on, there is probably a very thin line even in our society between peace/calm and chaos.  I do not know where this financial mess

New magazine YES!

I discovered a new magazine (to me anyway) called YES!.  Basic concept is Building a just, sustainable and compassionate world.  I came across another banking/financial article that takes a while to get through and I am still digesting it.  I hated economics in college!  But there is a lot to interest me now!  Anyway, some of you might like to read this article.  <

Banks Used to Lend Money to People..Not the other Way Around

The article at this link is a pretty good one by Thomas Friedman that appeared in the NY Times on Jan 17.

There are Peace Movements

I have been reading about a DVD titled Encounter Point.  I think most of you would find it interesting.  Here is page that shows who's who.  And here is the page with the trailer.

Check these out

I have just discovered two new and interesting websites (and they are leading me to others!).  This one is a good one.  Also, this one.  One is called opendemocracy and the other one i

Women for Peace

I came across an interesting article in this morning's paper and went online to find out more.  I found this online article about a documentary entitled Pray the Devil Back to Hell.  Peace can start small. 

Reading new book

I have started a new book:  Just How Stupid Are we?  Facing the Truth about The American Voter.  Looks interesting.  Will let you know more about it after I have read a bit.  Has anyone else read it?  It is by Rick Shenkman who also wrote Legends, Lies, and Cherished Myths of American History.  I have not read anything by him before. 

How Hard is it to Design a Stove?

I was reading a magazine article a few minutes ago about stoves used in rural settings, places in India, China, etc.  People were actually working on trying to design a better product.  Which is good.  Problem is they never consider how the stoves are to be used.  And in many cases once they field test them they had to go back to the drawing board.  Now I ask you, how h