I Am New to NLD !
Submitted by ketripp on Thu, 2008-04-10 09:26Hi
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confused at Sussex
Submitted by Roach on Mon, 2008-04-07 11:18So here I am starting my second week. I'am just sitting here listening to my Zen. I thought I was getting the hang of things, but then today I got really confused. I went to go to my media class, but nobody was there. Your not allowed to be in the halls during class. Hence the officers on guard. so some dude said just go to the cafe. I sat down and star
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April 5
Submitted by willowblythe on Sun, 2008-04-06 12:36It's been a difficult past two weeks. Adam's job as Jefe of the Plantel began in all its confusing glory. Who's supposed to be working? Do they really have to work...because they sure don't want to? When your afternoon crew is between the ages of eight and twelve, you’re in for a battle, especially when work consists of two hours of raking leaves in the hot sun.
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Sussex day 2
Submitted by Roach on Thu, 2008-04-03 10:57I'm sittin in my video class again. the teacher is not as bad as I thought he was. I just came back from getting my login form. When I went to the tech room their computers were 24 in flatscreen monitors. they were huge. I like all my teachers pretty good.
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Submitted by Roach on Tue, 2008-04-01 10:51Today is my first day at Sussex. Everything is a little confusing. Especially this whole block schedule. I'm starving and I have no idea when lunch is. Somebody said whenever the teacher says. theres 3 lunch periods too. But that doesn't mean I get to go them all. I'm curious to see how the food will be like. I've taken my A&P class already an
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Villiage Clinic Photos
Submitted by adam on Sun, 2008-03-23 21:11I got a chance this week to go with a visiting group of Americans to a villiage medical clinic. It is actually just someones house out in the mountains where we set up a table and some chairs. We had two doctors with us who consulted with probably 30-40 people during the course of the morning. The lady who lives in the house, with her two grandchildren and her husband, is just
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Mosquitos, Plantains, and about 46 pieces of luggage. . .
Submitted by adam on Sat, 2008-03-22 22:13
Monday, March 17, 2008
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Update from the Philippines
Submitted by tgeorge on Fri, 2008-03-14 22:19This is another snippet from my Dad in the Philippines on a little bit of what's happening over there. Keep them in your prayers.
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Fascinating update from Kent George
Submitted by christopher on Tue, 2008-03-11 10:14I have learned that my parents' supervisor, John Kent, and also David Gates, who sent the helicopter, will be visiting their project soon. Keep these meetings in payer. We need to pray that this supervisor will make the effort to find a way to make sure that the benefit of othe helicopter is not lost.
The following is a letter my dad recently sent me.
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March 8
Submitted by willowblythe on Mon, 2008-03-10 22:27Well, here we are at another Sabbath, a day I always look forward to despite the long meetings in a language I can‘t understand. Something about getting up with the sun, showering and shaving, playing some music…the relaxed routine has always quieted me. I can’t say it was like that when I was a child.
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