No Wally World for Jadie
Submitted by Jade on Sun, 2008-06-01 10:16I feel kind of silly for sharing this but it's just that I never thought I'd see the day...
I haven't been to Wal-Mart in over a month!
With being pregnant I am just too tired to face our crazy, crowded Wal-Marts. But even though I've been shopping at a more expensive store (Ukrops) I tend to spend less because I am not as tempted to buy things I don't need there.
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May 27
Submitted by willowblythe on Tue, 2008-05-27 22:29Sometimes you have stories that you want to tell just right or not at all. Unless you can paint the picture in the same hues you first saw it, then why try? I feel this way about Raquel. What happened on Sunday, though, can’t be allowed to leave my memory. She’s too important for that.
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Mishaps @ Southern 2.1
Submitted by tgeorge on Fri, 2008-05-23 22:15Yes, I know you are all thinking it's been a long time since my last blog, and I know how everybody misses the season "Mishaps in Spain," so hopefully this new season will also be enjoyed and edifying for the masses.
In all actuality, I must say that the majority of what I'm about to recall did not take place at or anywhere near Southern.
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Submitted by Roach on Wed, 2008-05-21 10:39so today i took my first SOL test. i got really sidetracked and didn't study a bit for my test but i past. so that makes me really happy. also i totally forgot about my A&P test today but i got the highest grade(a 92%) . now if i can just make it through this incredibly boring class, i'll be having a great day which i haven't had one in a while. sti
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Now mind you...
Submitted by christopher on Sat, 2008-05-17 11:50Now mind you, I'm not very old, but when I was younger, I used to think how sad it was that folks lived such short lives. I imagined how I would be different. I would eat the right foods. I would exercise regularly. I would research the best vitamins to take. I would shave daily -- somewhere I heard that guys that shave daily, live longer. I figured wi
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I still like that guy. . .
Submitted by adam on Wed, 2008-05-14 18:56Ron Paul was on Talk of the Nation today. It was refreshing to hear him again. If only all politicians could be this honest and guided by their beliefs.
Check it out here:
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New Photo Album - Mothers Day
Submitted by adam on Sun, 2008-05-11 15:53Here are some pictures of the little angels from Crissy's english class. They did a special program for Mother's day.
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What you don't know. . .
Submitted by adam on Thu, 2008-05-08 21:32Some things you may not know about our life in El Salvador. . .
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this school
Submitted by Roach on Mon, 2008-05-05 10:45i got to go strawberry picking friday. my cousin wanted a strawberry from every row. she wouldn't stay in one place. she was really cute. i had my neice all weekend long. that was a little exhausting. so this morning my history teacher tried to get smart or rude to me again. i was talking with a friend about the worksheet that we had just graded.
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events in Sussex
Submitted by Roach on Tue, 2008-04-29 10:52So a lot has happend since i last wrote. Yesterday we were locked in our classrooms for an extra hour and half, due to tornadoes. The tornadoes left 200 people in the hospital. flipped cars and sent them sailing through brick buildings. my aunt who lives right beside my was at work and it blew all of her windows out of her van. she was on the news last night.
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