
"brutal world"


What is this "soy" stuff?  They even have beans made out of it now!

My Box

I like this box I've lived in, it's been a good place to be,

Its walls make me feel comfortable, familiarity has always been what I like to see.

And everywhere I have ever been, it's been no trouble to bring along,

In fact I've doubted that without I'd have had courage to even sing a song.

Let it snow

I was gearing up for a drive to Richmond today when Somer made a comment about the weather.  We knew it was supposed to snow, but I was surprised when the weather service indicated three to six inches of snow across central Virginia by this evening.  Somer was surprised that I gave up on the idea of a five hour commute to class so easily, but on Tuesday, we had a freak snow shower tha

Common feats of everyday life

1) Paring my fingernails on a 5-mile run

2) Flossing my teeth while driving the car

3) Convincing ER staff to vote for Ron Paul

4) Helping Pinocchio make wise choices

5) Doing a nailbed repair on a screaming, thrashing 4-year-old

6) Letting the guy know that no, I'm not/shouldn't be interested, but yes, still want to be friends

Field recorder for Kementian, Palawan project has purchased a field audio recorder for use in a Philippine outreach project.  Look for stories and audio blogs about how the folks there are able to use this device to help bring the gospel to their people.  (read more)

voter fraud

NoLessDays is not a political site, but this is my blog, so... grain of salt here folks. :)

El Salvador Update

I just realized that we havent posted any updates on what has been happening.  We are planning on going to El Salvador  this month.  Right now we are waiting for our insurance application to be processed.  Once we have proof of insurance we can go ahead and purchase our tickets.  Once we are there we will have 3 months to get temporary residency.   We are also

Ron's friend Ron

I wasn't very interested in the upcoming presidential election until I started hearing all the talk about Ron Paul from the Paulington clan.  Last I heard Ron Paul was trying to raise more money.  Does anyone know the latest on his progress?  Do you think there is any chance for him?

Ron Williams if you're out there can you enlighten me?

Jade :)

usefull and interesting web site

The site is Christian Classics Ethereal Library. It offers an online library of hundreds of classic christian writings. For instance one can browse authors and click on say.....Andrew Murray. Author info is offered as well as a list of his books.

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